Happy Birthday To Us

Whew! How did we get to be middle aged dogs this quickly? Seven years today we were born. Yep, I know we don’t look a day over six right? We hear that a lot. Anyway, it has been a fun time owning Kevin & Amy. They have been good to us. Of course, to hear the story of how mom picked us out when we were but wee fur balls is a fun story. Maybe she will tell you about it sometime. She likes that story.

Today was fun. As usual, we relaxed and took long naps during the day. Then when it was time, we got to take a birthday stroll around the neighborhood. It was pretty chilly for mom & dad but we like it just on this side of frisky. Makes for a great walk. Walking quickly to see every bush, tree, and pole.. and of course marking all of these, this is just what a Basenji lives for.


After our walk, mom made us some cookies for our birthday. Well sort of… you see she made some chocolate chip cookies and chocolate is not good for dogs. But we did get to lick the cookie dough remnants. Now that is good eatin’ I tell ya. A little toss and catch rounded out the evening and then off to bed. Yeah, we let mom & dad sleep in our bed. It’s a big one so we can all fit. Dad couldn’t resist to catch us in our snoozing for a birthday picture. Enjoy.



Dog Days of Summer

Whew! It’s hot out there. This Basenji has a love-hate relationship with the heat. I LOVE the outdoors and I love heat but I HATE the Texas summer heat this year…a whole month of temps above 97 degrees and some up to 104! I do LOVE the heat during the winter but then again I can regulate how close I get to the heat source.

So on this wonderful birthday of the USA, I wanted to say hi and show you an image that pretty much describes the way my sister, Roux, and I feel about this hots days of summer. I got my dad (really he’s my human) to capture this picture of Roux. She looks as if she is in prison and that IS kind of the way we feel when it’s too dang hot to run and play outside.


Here’s to 4th of July! Hope you have a COOL day enjoying something really good to eat. And then go take a nap, a really long nap in a cool place. That’s what I’m gonna do. Are you gonna eat that hotdog? Woof.
