The Beach is NOT for Basenjis

If you’ve read Boudreaux’s post (if not, scroll on down) about how “great” the beach was in Surfside, Texas, you have to realize that it is pure propaganda. The beach is not for basenjis! Basenjis are from Africa where there is heat but not all that water, especially water that smells funny. I didn’t like the icky wet sand either; not only was it hot to walk on (we are in Texas in the middle of August), it got all stuck up in my foot pads making it necessary to step in the stinky water just to get it off. Yuck! Besides that, there is no grass at the beach. I had to go potty while there and could not find a proper spot for such delicate business. I ended up pottying in some kind of dune bush that only resembled grass in that it was green.

We walked a little way down the beach and Mom kept encouraging me to get in that stinky water. I whined and whined and kept pulling to get back in the truck. Mom finally gave in and let me go back. I really do not understand why you humans like the beach. Give me my grass-filled back yard and my dry, warm snuggle ball in my air conditioned home and I’m in basenji heaven.

Ah, the feel of grass! No sand in sight!
Ah, the feel of grass! No sand in sight!


Even Boudreaux likes it...see him getting very sleepy?
Even Boudreaux likes it...see him getting very sleepy?

Surfside Beach Adventure – My Side of the Story

What a girl! A scaredy cat girl. That’s how I describe my sister on her first encounter with the beach.

Mom & dad took  a day off to take us on an a new adventure. THE BEACH! We have never been to the beach, seen the ocean, or anything to do with wet sand. I think we were just so excited to be going on an adventure that we really didn’t know what to expect.

It takes about an hour and a half to get to the Surfside Beach where we decided to go. Galveston was pretty messed up from Hurricane Ike so we went west. Since we didn’t want to be on the beach at the height of the day, we left early. Like 6:15 am early! Well actually that was OK we me and my sister. I think mom & dad would have liked to sleep in.

So we leave at the crack of dawn and hit the road. Traffic was quite good on Friday. We think maybe a lot of people took off to go shopping. Some tax free thing. There were no tax free dog treats so, frankly, we didn’t care! When we reached the beach, mom woke us up to get us ready for our first experience with the beach. What? Of course we were sleeping. It is one of our top 5 favorite things to do!

Leashes on. Beach here we come… and this is where my sister became a big baby! Yeah, you heard me. She definitely did not like the beach, sand, ocean…. I don’t get it. It was a little different but hey, mom & dad drove us all the way to the beach and she wanted to get back in the car. What up with that?? Dad even captured a few pictures of our “hour” on the beach!

Here’s mom walking us on the beach.

Mom Boudreaux & Roux on Beach

Looks like Roux want to get away from the water, huh?

Boudreaux, Roux on Beach 01

Yep, I was right. Scaredy cat she is.

Roux runs Away

A boy enjoying the surf.

Boudreaux in the surf

All this walking makes me thirsty.

Boudreaux & Roux - Water Break

There you have it. My side of the beach story. You can bet Roux tells the story differently. Woof!

Dog Days of Summer

Whew! It’s hot out there. This Basenji has a love-hate relationship with the heat. I LOVE the outdoors and I love heat but I HATE the Texas summer heat this year…a whole month of temps above 97 degrees and some up to 104! I do LOVE the heat during the winter but then again I can regulate how close I get to the heat source.

So on this wonderful birthday of the USA, I wanted to say hi and show you an image that pretty much describes the way my sister, Roux, and I feel about this hots days of summer. I got my dad (really he’s my human) to capture this picture of Roux. She looks as if she is in prison and that IS kind of the way we feel when it’s too dang hot to run and play outside.


Here’s to 4th of July! Hope you have a COOL day enjoying something really good to eat. And then go take a nap, a really long nap in a cool place. That’s what I’m gonna do. Are you gonna eat that hotdog? Woof.
