Doggy Flu?! Who knew!?

So, Boudreaux and I just went in for our yearly check-ups with Dr. Shawhan at Jersey Village Animal Hospital. Our most favorite part of the visit is getting out of the car and sniffing out all the other animals who have gone before us (who are we kidding, our most favorite part is leaving!!).   We don’t particularly like going inside because, although, the vet techs give us treats, other not-so-nice activities happen, too, like taking our temperature with a probe stuck in our you-know-whats.   We were given a clean bill of health.  We were both at the proper weight, heartworm clear, and bloodwork normal for seven year old Basenjis.  But, because mom & dad may want to go on a vaction without us later in the year (why they would want to do that is beyond me), we had to be made “boarding-ready” by getting a new vaccine for, who knew, the doggy flu.  Doggy flu (aka H3N8 influenza) jumped species from equine to canine and now we dogs can spread it to each other in boarding kennels. See more about the flu here Now, could this vaccine be one of those painless nose squirts?? No it had to be another shot, and not just one shot but two.  Barooooo!!! Ouchie!!!  Dad took some photos of us getting stuck in our rumps.  We don’t look too happy but we are glad to play our part in stopping the spread of doggy flu. 

We're curious about the pug behind the counter.
We're curious about the pug behind the counter.

Mom, you tricked me. This was not just going for a ride.

Mom, you tricked me. This was NOT just going for a ride.

Whoa! Boudreaux shoulda got his treat first. This really hurts!


Happy Birthday To Us

Whew! How did we get to be middle aged dogs this quickly? Seven years today we were born. Yep, I know we don’t look a day over six right? We hear that a lot. Anyway, it has been a fun time owning Kevin & Amy. They have been good to us. Of course, to hear the story of how mom picked us out when we were but wee fur balls is a fun story. Maybe she will tell you about it sometime. She likes that story.

Today was fun. As usual, we relaxed and took long naps during the day. Then when it was time, we got to take a birthday stroll around the neighborhood. It was pretty chilly for mom & dad but we like it just on this side of frisky. Makes for a great walk. Walking quickly to see every bush, tree, and pole.. and of course marking all of these, this is just what a Basenji lives for.


After our walk, mom made us some cookies for our birthday. Well sort of… you see she made some chocolate chip cookies and chocolate is not good for dogs. But we did get to lick the cookie dough remnants. Now that is good eatin’ I tell ya. A little toss and catch rounded out the evening and then off to bed. Yeah, we let mom & dad sleep in our bed. It’s a big one so we can all fit. Dad couldn’t resist to catch us in our snoozing for a birthday picture. Enjoy.



Let It Sneaux! | Pet Pen Pals

Brrrr! Can you say cold in Texas. Well today in Houston, it was extremely cold. And Basenjis are not the cold weather kind of doggies. Nope. We much prefer the sun and heat of summer.



Since we do not get to choose the weather, we had to deal with it. And it snowed here today. Wet, cold, snow. Even though it was the first experience for Roux and I, we were not too excited to step into our backyard with all this white stuff littering our potty spot. To make make matters worse, mom decided we should take a quick walk down to the gazebo in the neighborhood to see how much of this stuff collected there.



Of course, dad had his camera out trying to get our attention while we were pawing our way through the stuff. We didn’t really give him much attention. C’mon, that cold wet stuff was sticking in between our toes and he saying “Boudreaux, look this way.” Really!



Anyway, he did catch a few shots. If you live in the Houston area, hope you got a chance to see it and play in it while it lasted. Woof!

Have A Goal

I have a Page a Day Dog Calendar on my desk at work and each day it is nice to have a fresh new doggie face stare at me during my work day. This week my calendar had an Anonymous quote that I think is very goos for all to ponder. This is it.

My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog already thinks I am.
— Anonymous

Now that IS a goal to have.
