5 Reasons Why I Like The Country | Pet Pen Pals

Ah, smell that? Well I do. Thousands of them. I’m talking about smells of the country.

We’re spending a few days in the country getting back to our roots. No, not Roux and me. Mom and dad. Actually mostly mom. She grew up in the country and most of her family still live here. Yesterday, we spent Thanksgiving with her 92 year old grandmother and most of her immediate family.

After lunch we took a walk in the pastures. Sniff, Sniff, Sniff, Sniff, Ah, Sniff, Sniff, Sniff… that pretty much sums up the walk. Oh, except when Roux tried to roll in a cow pattie! Mom wouldn’t let Roux roll in it so we could “savor the flavor” later. She wouldn’t even let us rustle us some cattle over in the back pasture. Spoil sport she was.

After our walk we came upon some of the family playing football in the back yard. Dad was snapping pictures of the fun so we took a rest by a tree and watched. A little while later he focused the camera our way. He compiled a quick video of the pictures. Have a look. Let us know what you think. Enjoy!

Oh yeah, the 5 reasons I like the country:
1. The Smells
2. The SmellsĀ 
3. The Smells
4. The Smells
5. The Smells

If you want professional pictures of your pet, take a look over here for dad’s work. Falcon Photography — Pets

Happy Birthday, USA!

Hooray! This was the best Independence Day ever! Boudreaux and I had company over for a holiday barbecue. Well, really mom and dad did but we got the benefit! There were three little girls (dad’s nieces) who were messy eaters! We got to vacuum up mac and cheese, hot dog, baked beans and cake off the floor. We say invite them over some more!

Afterwards, we took a long nap before the fireworks started. Boudreaux is not so fond of fireworks but I don’t pay them much attention. We went to downtown Houston to see the big Shell fireworks display. Uncle Chad just happened upon the perfect spot for fireworks viewing. The humans got out their chairs and cooler and set up right on the sidewalk. Then, the show started. It was like we were seeing them in 3D! When they burst in mid-air, we could literally feel the paper and debris hitting us where we stood on the ground. It was truly bow-wow-beautiful! We came home exhausted but very happy that we are American dogs, that we get to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Thanks to the Troops for keeping it that way!

Baroo, for now! Time for a nap.