God Made A Dog | Pet Pen Pals

Humans Finally Got It Right!

So I was pawing through the internet when I came across this little video about dogs. I have to say, it kind of made me mist up a little to realize that humans finally get us. The video speaks for itself. Woof!

What is a Basenji? | Pet Pen Pals

People always ask our owners “What is a Basenji?” when they first meet us. They say many things like, “Is their tail always curly?” or “Their ears look like very alert.” and some say “Do they bark? They sure are quiet dogs.”

And of course our mom and dad will answer all the questions, again and again when they met someone new. I found a video on YouTube from Animal Planet that does a pretty good job of explaining our breed. Here, take a look yourself. http://youtu.be/uG3EHbVWfxk

I would have embedded the video but AP disabled that feature for this video. Enjoy!


Eric & Nya — A Walk in The Park | Pet Pen Pals

Mom and dad went on vacation and left Roux and me at the kennel. Yeah it was a nice kennel but when we heard that they went to a park and took a walk with another dog. Now that is just wrong! Leaving your dogs for a walk with ANOTHER dog! Wrong, wrong, wrong!

OK, dad was working doing a pet portrait session but really? C’mon… we could have been of to the side just doing our own thing. Nope. Not the case. And we didn’t even get a T-Shirt from Washington, DC where they visited. They visited a good friend Eric and his dog Nya. Below is a video of the images he took while out on their walk. If you want to see the all the images, check this link.


Eric & Nya in the park